First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Text/Pager Email
Do you have any allergies or conditions that might affect your volunteer work? * Choose one: Yes No
Please explain any allergies or conditions that may affect your volunteer work:
Have you had any formal training in pet care or animal welfare?* Choose one: Yes No
Please check which areas you would be interested in volunteering: Choose all that apply: Administration Adoptions Events Database Email/Facebook Foster Care Fund Raising Grant Writing Medical Team Socializing TNR Transportation (To vet visits, spay/neuter appointments-requires reliable transportation) Website
Are you willing to volunteer at least 4-6 hours per month?
Would you be interested in working on short term projects such as fundraising?
Is it okay to add you to our email list of volunteers and/or fosters?
Are you at least 18 years of age?
Would you like be a volunteer? or a Foster/Volunteer? Volunteers typically give 4-6 hours monthly of their time but do not foster an animal/s. Volunteer/fosters do both foster and volunteer. * Choose one: Volunteer Foster/Volunteer
If you are interested in being a Foster Parent, please answer the following questions (otherwise skip this section):
Do you have animals in your home, either owned or fostered?
How many dogs do you currently have in your home?
Are all dogs in the home sterilized?
How many cats do you currently have in your home?
Are all cats currently in your home sterilized?
Do you currently have other animals in your home? If yes please list kind and how many:
Are there children living in or visiting the home?
If you do have children how many and what ages?
Do you have a separate room or area where you could keep foster animals isolated?
An annual home visit may be required in all foster homes. Are you willing to make your home available for a quick visit from Cat Tales Rescue volunteers?